Co-Ed Ladder Program Details

How does the ranking work
The current ranking system depends on the average of four weeks total score plus the incentive bonus point to set the final score.  Each court has a different weighing factor to compensate the different level of court (court 1 being the best players). It is designed that the top player at the lower court is roughly better than the bottom one third of the players at the upper court.  Therefore, the player will move up and down according to their performance in the games.  The system is counting total average score, not the winning or losing of the game.  Therefore, to stay in higher ranking court, you need to get your highest score possible in each game, and play as often as possible (for bonus points).  However, the system does not control who will play each week.  When a lot of good players show up to play, many other players might move down the court even they got a better score last week.  Please don’t take the ranking system too seriously.  The most import element is try to play your best, meet players and have fun.
The maximum score is base on 5 game total points (5×21=105 points).  If the player plays a different number of games, the correction factor should be applied.  If the game goes over 21 points, the winner will still get 21 points and the loser will get 20 points.  The court weighting factor is descending by 0.9 for each lower court.

Court Order        Weighting Factor

Court 1                 1.0 (highest ranking court)

Court 2                 0.9

Court 3                 0.9×0.9=0.81

Court 4                 0.9×0.9×0.9=0.729

Court 5                 …

Example of score calculation

The score is based on the average of the latest four weeks scores, and each played week will give the player one bonus point (up to 4 points):

Week                    Total Score          Average Score   Bonus Point        Final Score

Week1                  100.0                     100.0                     1                              101.0

Week2                  90.0                        95.0                        2                              97.0

Week3                  80.0                        90.0                        3                              93.0

Week4                  70.0                        85.0                        4                              89.0

Week5                  NA                          80.0                        3                              83.0

Week6                  NA                          75.0                        2                              77.0

Week7                  90.0                        80.0                        2                              82.0

Week8                  100.0                     95.0                        2                              97.0

If the player hasn’t played even once in the latest four weeks, his/her last played week score (without any bonus point) will be used in the ranking.

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